Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DTC 356 assigned blog #2 Audoban Society

For our group project, we are analyzing the social network usage of the Audubon Society. The Audubon society is an organization devoted to conservation, and raising environmental awareness. They tend to focus a lot on education according to their main website. Though they work to take conservation measures for all of nature, their main focus is birds. Upon a first look, it seems as if they have many of the social networking sites covered. While they do have accounts with Pinterest, Linked in, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, we have found that they actually are not very well utilized.
             For instance, Facebook is a wonderful platform to “sell” your organization. When we analyzed their Facebook, it lacked a clear description of who they were. The description simply contained a statement on how old the organization was. There was a spot to donate, but without a clear description of who the organization was, and what the mission was, I doubt the donating through Facebook was successful. They also listed a few events, and had some pictures. A few people were posting things to the page about the organization, like pictures they had done on their own nature walks. We decided that they could easily reevaluate their Facebook, and it would help to draw in more people.
On the other hand, we found that their Twitter was actually utilized in an alright way. It also could use a better description, but it looked good, and they seemed to be using it to deliver relevant information. That being said, we surmised that twitter was used often by a younger generation, and they should utilize their twitter to better inform that target audience.  
In addition to Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is also one of the social networking sites they use. Most of the content of their Pinterst are pictures of birds. They have one category with a few funny memes, and another with interesting crafts and activities. While I personally do not use Pinterest, I know of many people who go on their for crafts and other cool ideas. Due to this, we thought that maybe they should focus more on that type of content, and relate it to birds or conservation, verses the random bird pictures that takes up most of their account currently.
Like many other organizations, they also have a YouTube. For advertising, and Public Relations purposes, YouTube can be so useful. However, like their other social networking presences, it is not. For one thing, it is a little disorganized, and the content seems random. If they were to organize it a bit more, and put videos into organized and informative playlists it might be a little better. Also, they do not have a good description of their organization on their channel.
Last but not least, they have a Linkd In as well. Like the other social networks that they use, this one could be used a bit better. They again do not have a whole lot of information about themselves up for the user to see. For a networking site like linked in, this is crucial. A lot of the information about important aspects like internships, and career information is buried.

Due to these aspects, and how our group felt when we were researching and discussing the Audubon Society’s social networking presence, I would have to say that I agree with Gladwell. He argued that social networking has nothing to do with an organizations presence on social networking. The Audubon Society is a very well known and successful organization even without a strong sense of social networking. That being said, in today’s world, they would do even better if they focused in on social networking, as that is the way to draw in younger generations. That way they can keep it going strong for years to come.

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